The grey age of autonomous technology fusion — Intro

1 min readMay 25, 2023

Will AI Agents Be Taxed? Will they generally be accepted in the existing legal framework, or considered as entities in our society?

A brief introduction to a long, upcoming reflection.

src: Midjourney generated image (AI)

AI’s core software is designed to perform tasks for you. From simple to complex tasks, AI agents can handle a job from beginning to end. With each passing day, they are becoming increasingly integrated into a variety of activities, serving as intermediaries and key players in different sectors.

As AI agents evolve into permanent digital entities, numerous intriguing questions surface. We are venturing into a realm of uncertainties — a new ‘grey age.’

One might wonder, can AI agents manage financial transactions? While they cannot open bank accounts or rent private servers independently, they have the ability to navigate open systems like Bitcoin and Ethereum with relative ease. They can harness the power of these decentralized systems for computation, payments, and establishing digital identities.

